Read Full Fair Wear & Tear Guide
Know Exactly What To Expect
ZuCar Leasing adopt a professional approach in respect of the End-Of-Lease returns process.
We offer our Leasing customers a service that is fully independent, fair and transparent. We have created minimum standards in relation to the expected condition of each returned lease vehicle. These standards are widely known as Fair Wear & Tear and are comprehensively detailed in this document. Following it’s return, each vehicle will undergo a detailed inspection in relation to its interior and exterior condition. For every vehicle a condition and appraisal report is produced. These are made available to our customers via an automated e-mail.
The Aim of this Guide
The aim of this guide is to provide information to drivers about looking after a leased vehicle so that end of lease charges can be avoided. The guide covers all passenger and commercial vehicles including multiple passenger vehicles with up to eight seats.
Fair wear and tear occurs when normal usage causes acceptable deterioration to a vehicle. When ZuCar Leasing members review deterioration in the vehicle’s condition at the end of a contract or finance agreement, they consider the age, mileage and whether the vehicle has been looked after sufficiently.
Fair wear and tear should not be confused with damage, which occurs as a result of a specific event or series of events, such as an impact, inappropriate stowing of items, harsh treatment,
negligent acts or omissions.

Advice for Drivers
Advice about looking after the leased vehicle can be obtained from a number of sources, including the vehicles handbook. The leasing provider will take care of routine servicing and maintenance if the vehicle is on a maintenance-inclusive contract. ZuCar Leasing may provide advice and guidance to help customers look after their vehicle if asked to do so.
Top Tips
- Maintain and look after the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines
- Follow the advice provided to keep the vehicle in good condition. Looking after the vehicle appropriately will minimise any potential charges at the end of the contract.
- Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding fuel and fuel blends, additives such as Adblue, lubricants and battery recharging because the vehicles warranty may be invalidated and long term damage caused through inappropriate use of the above.
- Report any suspected manufacturer’s faults identified on any part of the vehicle, its bodywork or trim to the leasing company as soon as possible to have the issue resolved.