Is your car winter ready?
Get your car serviced
Regular maintenance is necessary to keep your car in top shape, especially before the onset of winter.
In Ireland, battery failure is a frequent reason for breakdowns.
To reduce the dangers of becoming stuck on the road, a winter service will help establish any potential problems with your car.
Check your fluids
It is important to regularly check your windscreen washer, oil and engine coolant. Coolant, also known as anti-freeze, is crucial in the winter, because it prevents the water in the cooling system from freezing.
Keeping your windscreen washer topped up helps keep your windscreen free of debris and muck that is kicked up by unclean roads.
When performing your routine inspections and you discover your oil level is too low on your dipstick, you should top it up to the correct level.
if you are unable to carry out any of these tasks, a garage will do it for no charge, or at a small fee.
Check your headlights
Maintaining clean, clear headlights is essential since it will make nighttime driving simpler and safer. Headlights that are dirty don't transmit as much light, therefore it will make it more difficult for other drivers to see you.
If your lights are beginning to appear a little hazy, you may clear away any more mud or debris with a cloth and clean water.
To polish the plastic outer covers, you can use toothpaste. Your headlights will be more visible as a result of the toothpaste's gentle abrasive, which polishes out the surface.
Make sure your tyres are winter ready
The only point of contact between our cars and the road is the tyre, therefore the tyre thread dept and condition are extremely important for driving, turning and stopping.
It is good to make sure that our tyres are in good shape, with a thread dept far above the 1.6mm minimum, with the proper air pressure, and no side wall damage.
Without adequate thread dept, you may find your vehicle is not gripping well in wet conditions, or it may take longer to break.
Drive your car
A lot of cars are not being driven as much as they used to, because so many people are still working from home.
In the wet weather months, the weather can cause a buildup of dampness and mold in the interior and the possibility of moisture-sodden, malfunctioning electrics, and cars don't really like to sit in idle for too long.
If you don't drive a lot, it is good to get into the habit of taking your car out for a quick 30 minute spin, once or twice a week. This will warm up the engine, charge the battery, dry out the interior, keep the brakes working, and get rid of any moisture that might have built up in the exhaust system.
Keep a winter kit
There are a few essential winter tools that every driver should keep close by in the winter in the event of an emergency.
1. Extra bulbs
2. An ice-scraper or de-icing spray
3. A warning triangle
4. A torch
5. A mobile phone charger
6. Bottles of coolant and wind screen washer
7. Blanket
8. First aid kit
9. Jump leads
10. Shovel
Drive safely
With snow, sleet, rain and frost, winter driving conditions are more difficult. As a result, it pays to remain particularly alert and slowdown in order to deal with longer stopping distances and reduced visibility.
You should be able to get through the cold months safely and reliably with our suggestions for getting your car winter ready.